Rugs & Carpets Dubai

Persian rugs are considered the most beautiful of all types and that’s exactly what the best stores in Dubai are offering. They are featuring a large range of stylish carpets at affordable rice range, designed and hand crafted, by experienced professionals, with the look of class and elegance. But their collection of carpets isn’t restricted to just one type and also includes area rugs, bath rugs and more.


Carpet Centre

If you do not have enough time to go to a local store for carpets, then buy online at Carpet Centre. Based in Dubai, this store provides you with the finest of products with fast shipping to your doorstep. However, if you are unab...

BoConcept Rugs

BoConcept presents to the folks of Dubai an exclusive collection of luxury handmade rugs in different shapes, sizes and designs to choose from. Choose from its massive assortment of fun and colorful carpets in various textures and...

Al Salem Carpets

Over half a century, Al Salem in Dubai has obtained the reputation of being one of the largest selling carpet manufacturers in the world in association with various brands. Their expert team of professionals constantly aim to live...